Protection and support of family, maternity and childhood is embodied in all spheres of the state life

27 January 2019

Throughout the centuries, Turkmen nation has developed clear principles of family education and traditions of national pedagogic. They were passed from generation to generation. There was never stranger children in Turkmen society, the children left without parents by one reason or another were adopted by the relatives as per national traditions. This is because the concept of family always contained the idea of society and clan where everyone is related by the care of each other. Another idea of nation and Motherland follows from this.

Policy realized these days by President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov is also based on these national spiritual values and at the same time, on human ideals as it is aimed at the prosperity of people both in our country and also in the region and the world. Today, the strategy of Turkmen leader meets the Goas of Sustainable Development outlined by the United Nations.

Such goals as “Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages” and “Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all” are applicable in the aspect of the World Children Day.

Independent neutral Turkmenistan achieved impressive success in these directions, having reached considerable levels in children health protection and education sphere for the short period. Comprehensive network of profile medical facilities was made in the country. secondary, specialized, art, sport and other schools are equipped on modern level. Turkmen youth has opportunity to get high education not only in the country but also in the leading universities abroad.

All Turkmen mass media, non-governmental organizations and government structures carry out active comprehensive educational and propaganda work to prevent the children fall under influence of harmful habits. The State and society fight resolutely with drug abuse and diseases.

Creation of favourable conditions for the orphans, provision of their rights for education, health protection and many other are integral aspect of the state social policy realized by President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov.

Special Orphan Fund was founded in Turkmenistan to take care of the graduates of relative children facilities. This fact is bright evidence of tireless care of the state of its young citizens who lost their parents by some reason.

The World Children Day dedicated to all young residents of the planet declares their rights and interests as the utmost care of the society and the state. Turkmenistan always demonstrates the most responsible approach to these objectives.

Care, protection and support of family, maternity and childhood on Government level are embodied in all spheres from health protection and education to the economy, which development strategy is aimed at the improvement of the wealth of Turkmen people, life quality and reveal of spiritual, intellectual and artistic potential of the society.

These are careful and wise treatment of the children that defines social and moral health of the society. This is care of right upbringing and comprehensive development of young generation, succession of moral and family traditions, national heritage, formation of initial conditions for every young individual would be able to reveal his or her potential and achieve success in life. Systematic measures taken by Head of the State Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov on political level and in practice are aimed at this.
Granting of new apartments to the families with many children is one of the examples of such care from the Government. Every year, the mothers who have born eight and more children are conferred with honoured title of Turkmenistan Ene mähri.

Modern medical Ene mähri Centres built in the capital and different regions not only provide qualified medical services to the population but also are large scientific centres making studies aimed at the improvement of mother and child health and family planning.

Successful realization of national programme of breast-feeding and prevention of anaemia was highly appraised by big international organizations. In particular, almost all obstetrics facilities of the country were awarded with the status of the Child-friendly Hospital, which is officially confirmed by the WHO experts.

Ashgabat has Scientific and Clinical Centre of mother and child health protection for 670 patients, which was built by the initiative of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov. This is the largest medical facility including 28 departments and uniting the main directions of science and practice, modern technologies in the obstetrics, intensive care and reanimation of new-borns, medical genetics, reproduction, diagnostic and consultation services, treatment of child diseases and many other.

In addition, the Scientific and Clinical Centre makes studies of actual theme of the obstetrics, paediatrics and child surgery. It also has the department of early development and early rehabilitation of child, which is new direction in national paediatrics.

Largest international organizations including the UNICEF are long-term partners of Turkmen side in this field. They take the most active part in programmes of protection of maternity and childhood successfully realized in the country. regular training and seminars supporting the study of the best international practice and mastering of new scientific developments is one of the methods of organization of this work.

Our country achieved great successes in medical services. It includes considerable reduction of the diseases, maternal and child mortality as well as high level of coverage of children immunization. Training of medical personnel is improved, infrastructure and equipment and facilities, scientific and methodological base of health protection is consolidated. Anti-tobacco strategy was developed and is currently implemented by the initiative of the Head of the State, physical training and sport movement is expanding.

Respect for the right of child has always been and remains to be an important aspect of national legislation. Therefore, basic international legal documents including the Law on Guarantee of Child Rights were adopted in the country. Number of important UN conventions and protocols were ratified.

At the same time, legislation framework in mother and child rights protection sphere is always improved. Particularly, National Parliament adopted the Law of Turkmenistan of Propaganda and Support of Breast-Feeding in March 2016.
The Law on Tutorship and Guardianship aimed at social protection of rights, freedoms and legal interests of orphans and children left without parental support came into power from January 1, 2018.

President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov pays great attention to the support of the most vulnerable levels of the population including children with limited physical capabilities. This support implies the complex of legal guarantees, targeted economic and social measures.

Formation of healthy life style of the population is the most important direction of social policy of the Head of the State. Physical training and sport movement is expanding in the country, number of young sportsmen competing for Turkmenistan at international competitions is growing.

The right to be healthy is not only one of fundamental rights of the individual but also the wealth of the State, which is necessary condition for the progress of the society. Health of able-bodied population provides the present of the country while the heath of children guarantees its future. Today’s children are tomorrow’s adults and creation of healthy environment for them is the basis of long-lasting development of the country.
System of children sport schools, sport sections, such forms of time-spending as tourism, active holidays and other are developed in the country. various sport competitions are organized for children and juniors, which promotes the attraction of children to sports sections from early age.

The number of children health improving centres in picturesque Gyokdere and at Caspian cost is growing every year. However, it is not only the resorts that have such capabilities. Similar health improving facilities were built in other velayats. For example, children recreation centre was opened with the participation of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov in Serdar in 2016.

New health-improving facility Dürdäne for 300 children is another beautiful present to young Turkmenistan citizens. It has everything for intellectual gaming and physically active lessons, creative development of children, computer class provided with modern equipment, cinema hall, game console room, library, fitness gym, swimming pools, sport grounds, young tourists section and other.

Significant results were achieved by Turkmenistan in educational reform, solution of environmental issues as well as in the culture, organization of educational and various time spending of children.

Organization of various artistic contests both on national level and in international scale, participation of children and junior teams of Turkmenistan in international festivals and competitions promote the development of imagery thinking and artistic taste of children. Thus, thousands of young readers, dancers, drama artists and song and dance folk groups from all over the country participate in artistic contests held in our country.

President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov is confident that together we are able to give the joy and fulfilment of the most cherished dreams of children, having made it in the way that they would feel themselves protected and needed to our society. The tomorrow depends on how we do it today and how we bring up our children as children is the future of our independent Motherland.

Modern training and education complexes, cultural and artistic centres provided with latest technologies, innovative multimedia and interactive systems and advanced equipment have been built and continue to be built in velayat centres and rural areas for harmonic development of growing generation. Turkmen school students take active part in international contests in different disciplines where they win the prizes.
Highlighting that care of children is the most noble and reliable investments for the future, the Head of the State again and again initiate steadfast, grandiose and modern reforms in different spheres of social policy including in health protection and education.

The opening of new complex of buildings of Aman Kekilov Pedagogical College was held with the participation of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov in Ashgabat on September 1, 2015.

One of the oldest educational facilities in the country training the teachers of primary school with the right of teaching Turkmen language and literature, mathematics, history, geography, English language in the 5th and 6th grades as well as the tutors with the right of teaching English languages in kindergartens received not only new building but also innovative equipment, computer technologies and multimedia systems.

Advanced methods of personnel training including in pre-school pedagogics and phycology, teaching foreign languages were implemented in the college. According to the request of the Head of the State, the number of foreign languages will be increased in the schools of the country from new academic year. Particularly, the time-table will have Chinese and Japanese languages.

These days, another summer holiday season starts in children health-improving centres of the country. The Ministries of education, culture, health protection as well as sport and non-governmental organizations, which have the assignment of the Leader of the Nation to give all opportunities to children for creative realization, expansion of their world outlook, improving of health and simply good mood, are the sponsors of these events.

All conditions for the opening of summer season and first arrival of children were made in 14 centres of Gyokdere, 8 centres of Avaza and 5 new and 3 existing centres in the velayats.

Together with young Turkmenistan citizens, children from other countries spend their holidays in these centres. Last year, large group of children from Uzbekistan arrived in Avaza by the invitation of President of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov.
Turkmen leader says that children health improving centres, cottage complexes and fashionable hotels on clean Turkmen coast of Caspian Sea are ready to receive young guests from foreign countries for health improving and interesting holidays.

Care of the President for children was demonstrated in the construction of school in Funtovo village, Volga Area, Astrakhan Region, Russian Federation. It was opened recently. Speaking at the opening ceremony, Governor of Astrakhan Region A. Zhilkin expressed the confidence that new school would be the centre of modern education and spiritual and moral development of youth.

Boys and girls of Funtovo who used to go to school in the nearest settlement will start studying at new school from September 1 and children from nearby villages will be coming to Funtovo where excellent school has been built.

Regarding the schools in Turkmenistan, the provision of advanced computer and multimedia equipment, access to the Internet as well as availability of gyms and open sportsgrounds are mandatory educational standard.

In addition to modern education, health protection, sport and other facilities of social sphere, entertainment infrastructure plays important role in creation of the most favourable conditions for children. Popular capital park Ashgabat, which several years ago gained totally new look, having remained its best features and expanded the capabilities.

Special feature of this park and entertainment complex is that it provides such format of entertainment as family time spending. It gives the opportunity to combine the interest of children, juniors, teenagers and parents. Besides the amusements, it has the grounds for active games developing the imagination of children and habits of active rest and sports. Both children and adults can spend their time with pleasure.
On June 1, Ashgabat Park became one of the main place of the World Children Day celebration, which events were also expanded in the capital park “The world of Fairy Tales” and Alem Cultural and Entertainment Centre and all velayats. It programme included musical performances, exhibitions, sport competitions and many other.
The World Children Day is not just joyful and loud celebrations for children but also a reminder to the society on the need of respect of children rights as important condition for the formation of fair and wealthy society.

Connection of the past and future is made through the present and the present is our children. Happy children is our confidence in tomorrow, our brave look too the future, our true power and glory! Celebration events in Turkmenistan on occasion of the World Children Day presented plenty of unforgettable happy emotions and undoubtedly, again highlighted beautiful perspectives of further development of the country.

Large-scale measures aimed at comprehensive and harmonic development of young Turkmenistan citizens are visual indication that comprehensive care of the Head of the State for the formation of highly educated, spiritually rich and physically fit young generation is taken not only on the World Children Day but daily on permanent basis.